MD Miller

Michael Miller, M.D.

Senior Consultant

Dr. Miller is a health care communications, policy, and advocacy subject matter expert with more than 30 years of experience helping innovators improve access and affordability. His communications work has promoted multistakeholder alignment to achieve clients’ goals, and improve clinical and economic outcomes. He has worked with large and small companies, entrepreneurs, government organizations, and patient advocacy and clinician groups.

Dr. Miller graduated magna cum laude from Williams College, and received his M.D. from Yale. He has worked in Congress, the White House and with many large and small biopharma and medtech companies, and since August 2020 has spent considerable time in the public health and prevention arena promoting confidence in vaccines and combatting misinformation – including serving on Why We Vax’s Board of Directors and SAB. He was also the longstanding honorary “Team Physician” for the political satire troupe the Capitol Steps, and many, many years ago became an Eagle Scout.


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